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Friday, April 21, 2006
Time To Break The Sad News
I've been putting this off in the hopes that something would change, but I guess it's time to face facts: I won't be able to attend B-List Blog Chicks.
I've thought it out from every angle, and no matter which way I finagle it, it's just not feasable. The weekend in question is right smack in the middle of my planting season. If it were even one week later I might be able to work something out, but the bottom line is that I will only have been planting for two weeks by the scheduled date. Which means I will still have over a thousand plants sitting in four-inch pots, waiting to be put in the ground. And the thing with four-inch pots is that they need water daily. Sometimes twice a day, if it's particularly hot out. And although I could probably con someone into doing this chore for me (Hi Mom), there's still the beds already planted, which need daily watering the first week. And THAT requires lugging hoses and sprinklers. Not to mention the fact that once the danger of frost has passed there's a pretty big push on to get everything in the ground as quickly as possible, and explaining to my boss why I will be skipping out in the middle of that might be awkward (You want to go to a what?). He's a good guy; he wouldn't tell me I couldn't go. But it would create a very stressful situation for me on my return, struggling to make up lost time to prove (mostly to myself) that the time off didn't affect my work. Because let's face it, it would. And with my luck, it would rain for three days just before I left and another two when I got back, with three gorgeous, sunny days in between that I could have been working.
However, the potential for rain, if timed correctly, could be my ray of sunshine. If they're predicting rain for the actual trip days, I may be able to buy a last-minute plane ticket and hop on over. So cross your fingers and hope for a monsoon (for this area, not where B-List Blog Chicks is taking place).
*Sigh* I love my job, but missing this will totally suck.
Posted by The Gradual Gardener :: 9:44 AM :: 13 Comments: ![]()