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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
100 Things About Me
1. I have 9 1/2 toes, due to a mishap with a lawn mower.
2. I was wearing sneakers.
3. Digging up the front lawn so I wouldn't have to mow it is what got me started gardening.
4. I still mow the back lawn.
5. I still wear sneakers.
6. I was named after two of my great-grandmothers.
7. If I had been born male my parents would have named me Travis.
8. I can't whistle.
9. I can't snap my fingers.
10. I can flip my tongue upside down (one direction only) .
11. I was born on the Ides of March.
12. I was supposed to be born on April Fool's Day.
13. I started dating my future husband when I was sixteen.
14. He was thirty-one.
15. If my daughter brings home a 31 year-old when she is sixteen, I will not be happy.
16. Neither will my husband.
17. My mother is a redhead. I'm not, but I inherited her skin.
18. Because my skin is has a reddish tint, people sometimes think I'm blushing when I'm not.
19. When I was a teenager I wore green makeup to hide the red in my skin.
20. I hardly ever wear makeup anymore.
21. I like to bake.
22. I don't like to cook.
23. Fresh-baked bread is my favorite food.
26. My hair is all one length.
27. This is because I'm lazy, and don't want to style it.
28. I live in jeans.
29. In 6th grade I was a Tootsie Roll for Halloween.
30. Other Halloweens I have dressed up as a milk carton, a spider, a flamingo, and a School Crossing sign.
31. My husband got me to dress up as a French Maid for a Halloween party once. Just once.
32. I procrastinate. A lot.
33. I hate panyhose.
35. When I worked in an office, in the winter I would wear longjohns instead of panyhose, with long skirts and tall boots so no one could tell.
36. I can't imagine not having pets.
37. The first time I truly felt like an adult was when my cat died and I was the one who had to bury him. Childbirth didn't do it; burying my cat did.
38. I have always wanted to ride in a hot air balloon.
39. This is despite the fact that I don't like heights.
40. I have two sisters.
41. My older sister is fifteen months older than me.
42. I am here because my mother thought breastfeeding was a form of birth control. She was wrong.
43. On Mother's Day 1999, my husband was in a motorcycle accident and suffered a TBI (Tramatic Brain Injury).
44. Our daughter was in second grade at the time.
45. I was a very good wife right after the accident. I sort of shifted into auto-mode.
46. I'm not sure I was such a good mother. I spent too much time at the hospital, and not enough at home.
47. The day I lost my toe was also Mother's Day, in 1996.
48. I was afraid of Mother's Day for a long time after Hubby's accident.
49. I know how to make chocolate chip cookies, French bread and Taco pie without using a receipe.
50. I prefer red wine to white.
51. But I'll drink either.
52. I don't like to argue in public.
53. People who don't live with me think I'm very even-tempered.
54. I have my father's blue eyes.
55. So does every other descendant of his mother, including my sister's three kids, whose father is Iranian (which is usually the dominant gene).
56. I was twenty when my daughter was born.
57. Her father and I married just before she turned three.
58. We did not go on a honeymoon.
59. This is probably a good thing, since I came down with chicken pox two days after the wedding.
60. My daughter gave them to me.
61. I am closer to my younger sister than my older sister.
62. I seriously doubt I could have made it through the period right after my husband's accident without the support my family gave me.
63. When my husband first came home from the hospital, he couldn't be left alone because it wasn't safe. Once he tried to set a pencil on fire, thinking it was a cigarette.
64. Trying to get from that place back to an equal partnership was very, very hard and there were times I didn't think we'd make it.
65. We're just about there. The decision-making is probably still not 100% equal, but it's close enough that it works.
66. I like to read.
67. I am a Potter fan.
68. Every time a new Harry Potter book comes out, I go back and re-read the previous books in the series. All of them.
69. When Book 7 comes out, I will probably not be on the Internet for awhile.
70. Autumn is my favorite season.
71. My living room has a lot of photographs in it.
72. Most of my furniture is hand-me-downs.
73. That's ok, because I like antiques.
74. Most of it isn't antique now, but eventually it will be.
75. I design, plant and maintain flower beds at commercial buildings.
76. I never know what to list on forms that ask my occupation.
77. When my daughter was born one of my great-grandmothers was still alive, so for a few months we had five generations living.
78. I drink way too much soda.
79. It's diet, but still.
80. I don't like water slides that have tunnels, because the tunnel could get blocked and I don't want to drown in a dark tunnel.
81. I am mildly clausterphobic. Closets are ok. Water slide tunnels are not.
82. I worked in Insurance for ten years before quitting to take up gardening.
83. My husband's accident is what made me realize life is too short to spend another ten years in a job I didn't enjoy.
84. Hubby was not back to work yet himself at the time, so leaving the Insurance Agency was a real leap of faith.
85. I'm very glad I did it.
86. I have only been truly hooked on one video game in my life. It was a farming game called Harvest Moon. The object was to raise chickens, sheep & cows and grow vegetables. Nobody died (unless you left your chickens outside in a typhoon, which I never did).
87. Playing video games where your character may die is too stressful to be fun for me.
88. I also don't like scary movies.
89. Scary books are okay.
90. I like to listen to people with accents.
91. Except when I'm calling tech support.
92. I moved out of my parents' house when I was 17.
93. This was Stupid. I have struggled financially ever since.
94. Although he recovered from the accident, my husband started having seizures in 2003.
95. He used to be a truck driver. He doesn't drive now.
96. I worry about what will happen to my family if something happens to me.
97. My daughter will get her driver's license as soon as she turns 16.
98. I'm not a city person.
99. A few years after we bought the house, my husband and my father built my daughter a treehouse. There wasn't a suitable tree where we wanted to put it, so it's on stilts.
100. My daughter doesn't use the treehouse much anymore, but sometimes I still sit in it. It's a very relaxing place to be on a hot summer afternoon.
Posted by The Gradual Gardener :: 11:42 AM :: 14 Comments: ![]()