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Thursday, March 30, 2006
...And A Little Round Belly, That Shook When She Laughed Like A Bowl Full Of Jelly...
I made it three whole songs on the ellipitical this morning, which amounted to about 12 1/2 minutes. Go, me! So I decided to reward myself. To celebrate, I just had chocolate pudding, a berry smoothie, some cinnamon toast, a little lemon meringue pie, strawberry cheescake, and cotton candy. Oh, and a carmel apple. I'm contemplating following that up with either a pina colada, or a strawberry daiquiri. Or maybe a margarita; those are always good too. Now, before you chastise me for ruining all my good work on the torture machine (oops, I mean eliptical machine), you should know the whole shebang is only 140 calories, and no fat. Impossible, you say? Not if you're talking about Jelly Belly beans.
Unlike cheap jellybeans, where all the colors taste the same, Jelly Bellies come in all kinds of neat flavors. Just make sure you get the right beans; Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans are also made by Jelly Belly, and they come in taste sensations like "booger" and "ear wax." Jelly Bellies come in fun flavors like buttered popcorn and orange sherbert. They even have recipes! For example, 2 chocolate puddings + 1 cappuccino + 1 peanut butter = mud pie. Just don't accidentally mix up the flavors; I can attest to the fact that mud pie just doesn't taste the same if you mistake pink grapefruit for the peanut butter.
And did you know that Jelly Belly features a "Wedding Center" on their website? This makes it easier to "match the wedding colors with complimentary colors of Jelly Belly beans!" Who knew? You can learn all kinds of interesting stuff there, like the fact that Jelly Bellies were the first jelly beans in outer space!
You'll have to excuse me now. I have to dig through my big bucket of beans for a crushed pineapple, because there's a banana split calling my name!
Posted by The Gradual Gardener :: 1:04 PM :: 8 Comments: ![]()