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Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Perfecting The Rumpled Look
Guess where I'm going this weekend? No, really...Guess. Nope, you're wrong, guess again. Give up? Okay, okay, I'll tell you.
I'm going to New York City to see Phantom of the Opera! Cool, huh? It's an early birthday gift from Little Sis and her husband. Doing-The-Happy-Dance-Daughter will also be going, although it was a Christmas gift for her. Do I have a great Little Sis or what?
On the phone a few days ago, Little Sis told me they plan on wearing jeans and sneakers, since we're heading in early to walk around the city. Which is great, since I live in jeans. Only thing is, my sneakers? They've just a little, how shall I phrase this? Ratty. And probably smelly, since they've likely been worn at least once or twice while wading through manure spread on my flower beds. So I'm thinking I should probably replace them.
And my jeans? They're okay, but they are a little worn. Maybe I should get a new pair. I'm not sure what top I'll wear...I'm a little tired of the blue sweater. There's always the red or purple button-down, but that would require ironing, like real ironing, the kind that involves dragging the ironing board out of the basement and plugging in the iron and everything. As opposed to my usual method of throwing the shirt in the dryer with a wet towel, which removes exactly 2 of the 345 wrinkles in it, and wearing it anyway. So let's see, I can either iron, or buy a new shirt...Iron, or buy a new shirt...Decisions, decisions... Ah, what the hell, I'll buy the new shirt!
So look out, New Yorkers...This redneck will be parading around your streets this weekend in new sneakers, new jeans, and (gasp) a new shirt! I'll be Stylin'!
I just hope the GoFugYourself girls aren't there, taking pictures of passer-bys. Even with new duds, I'd probably end up in the Random Fug category.
Posted by The Gradual Gardener :: 8:01 AM :: 9 Comments: ![]()