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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
A Day In The City
Saturday we took the train into New York City to see Phantom of the Opera. We had a great time! Before the play, we had time to walk around the city. We did the usual attractions: a trip to FAO Schwartz, where Daughter-Of-Many-Talents treated us to of a few of the songs from Phantom performed on the giant piano floor mat, a carriage ride through Central Park, a visit to Rockefellar Center to watch the skaters...Yes, they were skating, even in 60 degree weather (there are cooling devices under the ice). After visiting the MTV Store, where Little Sis and her husband were introduced to the video, "It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp", we were walking through Times Square when a small bus pulled up and around thirty very attractive young men filed out and started undressing. Turns out it was a publicity stunt for the Tyra Banks modeling show. Fortunately, Never-Without-Her-Cellphone-Daughter was able to snatch a few pictures, so I'm able to bring you a (somewhat fuzzy) glimpse of Male Models in Their Underwear:
Braver-Than-Me Little Sis tapped one of them on the shoulder, and asked if he'd pose for a picture. So, here's Growing-Up-Too-Fast Daughter, next to a particularly (*ahem*) well-endowed model (although you can't see that from the photo; we were standing too close for anything other than a head shot):After the excitement of mingling with Nearly Naked Guys, we headed off to the play itself, which was fabulous! We had great seats; sixth row, in the center. The chandelier that comes crashing to the stage was right above our heads. They did a charity fundraiser after the play, where Absolutely Thrilled Daughter was able to purchase a Phantom of the Opera poster autographed by all the cast-members. The poster fortunately survived the walk back to Grand Central, mostly held above my head as we manuvered through the crowds, and kept us occupied on the train ride home as we attempted to match names with signatures (some of the actors would have also made good doctors, judging by their writing).
All in all, it was a great day. Thanks for the adventure, Little Sis!
Posted by The Gradual Gardener :: 7:46 AM :: 7 Comments: ![]()