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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
They're Ba-ack...
A few years back, right after Volkswagen reintroduced the Beetle, I saw a lime green model with a license plate that said "APHID." I thought it was funny at the time, but now I'm wondering...
Why would you name your car after a pesky parasite that refuses to die?
Because they're back!
I never ended up dragging the topiaries outside; instead I used a combination of insecticial soap and a systemic that's absorbed through the roots. Organic gardeners, please don't yell at me...I use chemicals only when absolutely necessary, and since the topiaries are potted (and indoors), in this case there's no danger of anything ending up in our groundwater. I also pruned off all the new growth, which is, of course, where the little buggers congregate. All was good, until yesterday, when I discovered the enemy had returned. With reinforcements.
So I'm back to pruning and soaping. I'll hold off on the systemic for now...Hopefully this time I've caught it early enough that the harsher stuff won't be necessary.
Any of you people who live in southern climates want to go catch a few ladybugs and mail them to me? They're pretty scarce up this way in January, but if you can lure a few into an envelope, I can promise them an All-You-Can-Eat Aphid Buffet. You might want to warn them about the kitten, though, who would probably enjoy an All-You-Can-Catch Ladybug Buffet...
Posted by The Gradual Gardener :: 11:19 AM :: 4 Comments: ![]()