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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Stuck In The Middle With You
I've always found birth order classifications interesting. I found a number of websites about this, but most only focused on the negative characteristics of each group. One of the few that has both the positives and negatives also has lots and lots of pop-up ads. You can get there by clicking on this link , but consider yourself warned about the ads. Or you can just read below:
First-born: Natural leaders, over-achievers, perfectionists, and tend to be punctual, organized, and competant. There are two types, either compliant nuturers/caregivers or aggresive movers/shakers. Both are in control; they just use different methods. They don't like suprises. Often moody and occasionally lack sensitivity. Can be intimidating and bossy. Often not good at delegating tasks.
Middle-born: People-pleasers, usually hate confrontation, amaiable, down-to-earth and good listeners. Skilled at seeing both sides of a problem. Eager to be liked, have a difficult time setting boundaries, can become co-dependant as they try to please everybody. Not good at making decisions that will offend others. Tend to blame themselves when others fail.
Last-born: Has strong people skills, out-going, makes friends easily and good at making others feel at home, not afraid to take risks, tend to get bored quickly, strong fear of rejection and a short attention span. When the fun stops, they've had enough and want to check out. To some extent they can be self-centered. May harbor unrealistic expectations of finding a relationship that is always fun.
Only Child: Task-oriented, well-organized, highly conscientious and dependable. Keen on facts, ideas, and details and comfortable with responsibility. Can be unforgiving, demanding, hate to admit they're wrong and usually don't accept criticism well. To others seem very sensitive; their feelings are easily hurt.
I'm the second-oldest of three girls, and I easily see myself in the description of middle-born children. In fact it pretty much fits me to a T. I would be a horrible manager. In addition to the middle child traits, though, I'm not good at delegating tasks, and hate to admit I'm wrong (more reasons why I shouldn't be a manager). I'm also impatient, but that's more a product of my environment in my adult years than a result of my childhood (go ahead, you try living with a person who has had a head injury for a couple of years, and let me know how your patience makes out).
What birth order are you, and do the characteristics fit?
Posted by The Gradual Gardener :: 8:25 AM :: 14 Comments: ![]()