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Sunday, December 04, 2005
Why I Won't Get Nominated for Mother of the Year
Yesterday my daughter had a belt-testing. She's already achieved her blackbelt in karate, and now she's working on jujitsu. The night before the testing, she asked me to wash her uniform. You know where this is going, right?
See, the top of the uniform is white, and the pants are black. So they have to be washed separately, unless I want the top to turn gray. To be honest, gray would be okay with me, but my daughter doesn't necessarily share that sentiment. So I wash them separately.
I did wash the uniform. Both pieces. And I dried one of them (the top). And I even put the pants in the dryer, along with a bunch of other dark clothes. But then I had to go out for a few hours, and since Not An Early Bird Daughter was sleeping in, and Hubby is not much of a clothes-folder, I decided to wait until I came home to turn the dryer on, since otherwise the clothes would sit there and wrinkle, and you can't go to a belt-testing with a wrinkled uniform.
I came home. I made lunch. I wasted an hour or so on the computer. I did not turn the dryer on.
Fifteen minutes before we had to leave, she asked where the uniform was. And I said "Oh."
To give her credit, Exceedingly Patient Daughter was gracious about it. She didn't even roll her eyes (it's not like this hasn't happened before). I suggested hanging the pants out the window to dry them on the way to the studio, like that old commercial where the guy is late for a big meeting and he closes his pants in the car window while he drives to work in his underwear, and the pants blow away on the highway-do you remember that commercial? I don't even know what it was advertising... Anyway, my daughter didn't like that idea. She may have actually rolled her eyes then.
Fifteen minutes is really not a very long time to dry pants.
She passed the test, wet pants and all. And fortunately they didn't do grappling, which might have been uncomfortable for her (and the person she would have been rolling around on the floor with).
Most importantly, the pants weren't wrinkled. I get brownie points for that, right?
Posted by The Gradual Gardener :: 10:14 AM :: 1 Comments: ![]()